I was a fan in high school, lost some enthusiasm, and was reintroduced in college. Now, I own the first three season, waiting to buy the fourth and counting down the days to the beginning of the fifth (which turns out to not be long. It starts again tomorrow night on FX.)
So, i basically have a WTF moment with every episode. Some episodes, I have two or three. Its one of the best shows on television.
I think one of the main reasons I like the show so much is because the creators and writers, are the actors. They were actors to begin with and when they couldn't find work, or find decent parts, they teamed up to create the show. Originally title, Its always sunny in television" and set in Los Angeles. But they changed the location and so the title changed also.
And I think that with each passing season, like a good wine or a courage, this keeps getting better, year after year. Don't believe me? Tune in tomorrow and grab your barf bags because you are going to laugh so hard, you will vomit all over yourself.