So, after watching the G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra movie last weekend and really enjoying it, what is there next?
Well you could wait until the end of the year when the DVD and Bluray releases hit the shelves, or if you're anything like me, you'll want to grab the game that ties in with the movie!

It's a good looking third person action game which grants you the use of multiple movie and comic characters, vehicles, weapons and tactics to get your mission completed.

Among the classes included for the various characters in The Rise of Cobra there is the Commando who do well at close range, Heavy Weapons who possess extraordinary shooting skills but do it best from a distance and Soldier who are a balance between the two. The classic "Yo Joe!" battle cry is in the game, being used as an invulnerability power-up when the G.I. Joe character gains access to the Accelerator Armor, allowing them to be undamaged while attacking Cobra troops and vehicles.

The full list of characters included are as follows:
Heavy Duty
Storm Shadow
You can also unlock the various characters and special outfits throughout the game by accumulating points gained in missions. This adds a little more longevity to what could easily be a basic 8 hour blast fest. However I'm actually a big fan of third person action games, especially ones where you can blow stuff up and kills loads of bad guys so this looks pretty good to me.

Below are a few more in-game images and a trailer. Hopefully by next week I'll have the game in hand and should be able to do a full review for those of you that are thinking of buying it.