This first one I found via a link by the amazing Geekgirldiva is for a t-shirt sporting a rather rude but very funny Star Wars "Han Job" pic with Han and Leia. As she quoted "I guess we now know who shot first!"... Classic. The t-shirt can be purchased HERE

This art work below is from and features a slew of talented artists and some really great pieces of art. The site has more pics, covering all kinds of different licenses and mediums, but I've chosen a select few of my favourites which I love. The first 3 are by artist Scott Campbell, the 4th by Chris Lee and the last by Clinton Reno. All awesome in their own rights and take me back to my youth with fuzzy feelings of cartoon happiness.

I was also contacted by RTY earlier today who not only wanted us to see his artwork on his blog HERE which includes a beautiful Lynda Carter pic but also his custom DVD cover work which you can view and download from his other blog HERE.
Some great custom work for people who want to either re-box their current DVD collection or put all those downloaded T.V. programmes or movies onto disc and actually have a professional looking case for them (not that we condone that of course!). Loved the first one on there "Black Scorpion", haven't seen that in years! I used to have a huge crush on Joan Severance when I was younger!