Monday, July 27, 2009

News From The Dark Knight...

A Dark Knight Post

TORCHWOOD GREEN-LIT.....Maybe.........Sorta

According to the following link HERE the BBC have already given the go-ahead for another season of TORCHWOOD.

Now don't get me wrong, because I love this show, but I can't find any other announcements about the new season so this should possibly be taken with a pinch of salt at this point.

I'm sure the announcement will come soon, so fingers crossed.

More Eve MYLES please!!! I love her loads!!!!!


JESUS CHRIST..............Macgyver got fat!!!!!!!!!!!

Just watched the new trailer for SGU, and within the first 5 seconds you get to see the legend Richard Dean ANDERSON...........but boy has he got fat!!!!

I almost didn't recognise him, but I did read that he was going to pop up regularly throughout the series as he is the liaison for the SGU crew.

After watching the trailer I am even more convinced that this will rock!!! October is looking good.