Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As you may have seen I haven't updated the blog for a week... Due to being busy at the end of last week I didn't get the chance to post anything and now I'm on holiday for a week culminating in two days at Chessington World of Adventures and then Collectormania 15 in Milton Keynes at the weekend meeting loads of famous people. Busy, busy, busy!

It's probably going to be Sunday night or Monday morning before I can post anything, although I'm seeing Terminator: Salvation tonight with Dark Knight so there's the remote possibility that I'll do a short review when I get home... remote as I have to get up extra early in the morning to drive to Chessington for theme park fun and frolics with the family!

For now all I can say is "I'll be back"! (Yes I know that was pretty poor, but I'm trying to psyche myself up for Salvation!)