It's not new news that Deadpool was going to be made into an X-Men spin-off movie and that Ryan Reynolds would finally be fronting a superhero movie all by himself (instead of the unforgivable lack of quality screen time in Wolverine).
However it was all pie in the sky, as was the Magneto origins movie, unless Wolverine did well at the box office. Against a lot of people's expectations, mine unfortunately included after watching it, Wolverine did indeed do well on its opening weekend and now Fox have officially announced that Deadpool is going ahead.
Ryan Reynolds, aka Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool will return to his pre-Weapon XI multi mutant form he ended up as at the end of Wolverine (sorry if that ruins it for some of you!) and will regain his old body and features and of course become the 'Merc with a Mouth' we all know and love.
I'm actually a big fan of Reynolds as an actor, he's actually one of my favourite young male actors out there and I can only see Deadpool being a great, funny, action-packed movie. Wolverine let me down, I hope Deadpool has the ability to regain my confidence in non Marvel produced super-hero films!