Tyreese Gibson (2 Fast 2 Furious & Transformers 1 & 2) was originally tipped to play the role of 80's icon 'B.A. Baracus' in Fox's upcoming A-Team movie, but when director John Singleton left the production before it even started, and Joe Carnahan stepped up, a new cast was in order.
Common, an American rapper and actor otherwise known as Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr (playing Barnes in Terminator Salvation next month) is now the front runner for B.A.
In a recent interview with IESB Common didn't confirm or deny his actual involvement in the project but did say: "It would be an incredible character to play. It's a new day, you just got to give it something new. The kids don't know that B.A., so you wanna bring something new to it and you want to pay respect to B.A. and the way B.A, was created, too. I can't do the Mohawk, but we got to do something, we got to find something to make it work."
Personally I think Common would be a great B.A., but I wholeheartedly believe that you have to have the Mohawk and the gold chains. It may have been Mr.T's signature attire, and something he actually had outside of The A-Team T.V. programme, but that is his character essence. The soul of Baracus emanates from what he looks like and how he talks. Otherwise all you're doing is hiring an African American actor to fill the role with no concept of why you're doing it... Imagine not making Murdock crazy, not 'Howling Mad' as we knew him. Exactly, it wouldn't work.
I really hope this movie gets green- lit soon and we see it in the next 5 years at least. Next up would be Airwolf or Street Hawk maybe? ;P