News has hit the web that we may finally have our lead actor for the new live action Green Lantern movie that's in the works.
Recently the new Captain Kirk; 'Chris Pine' was tagged as the potential front runner for the role of Hal Jordan, but a recent and very confident post from someone at Hitflix.com, who seems to be well trusted for accurate movie info, says that it's Bradley Cooper.
I admit I know the guys face but I don't know half the stuff he's been in (maybe Wedding Crashers?) but he's supposedly well known for his roles on Alias and Nip Tuck among others.
My first impressions are pretty neutral about Cooper as I don't really know him or his work that well but we'll see if this news pans out first and then I'll stress about it later!
I'm just happy we're getting a live action Green Lantern movie... I can't wait for the animated movie either!!!