SAT question for you;
The OC is to Laguna Beach
Gossip Girl is to ????
The answer, NYC Prep.
So, First we had The OC and that spawned Laguna Beach. Laguna spawned the Hills, that spawned The City, (and I am just waiting for Ali "The Model" and her boyfriend...that male model who I can't remember his name to get their own spin off "Newlyweds" like show). It is an never ending evil cycle of annoyingly addictive shows that networks are just cranking out and we eating them up like hungry dogs lapping up puppychow.
Next we got Gossip Girl and that has spawned an evil beast. Bravo's NYC Prep is Gossip Girl's reality equivalent.
So by logic, the next big reality show will be based on a popular tv show. I think it will be about a girl who moved from a fly over state and becomes a popstar. Money.