That's right, you read the post title correctly, Johnny Ferraro the creator of the hugely popular "American Gladiators" TV game show, is bringing a live-action adaptation of the property to the big screen.
Supposedly the show was originally conceived as a film before its debut in 1988, but the property "took a detour" and became a TV phenomenon... supposedly...
Hmmmm, not sure I believe that one! Nonetheless this is definitley going ahead so pick your jaws up off the floor people!

Don't get me wrong, I actually love American Gladiators, I used to stay up until 2am in the morning watching it back in the early 90's when it was on late night T.V. and I had a boyhood crush on the rock-hard blond bombshell 'ICE' back then too. I haven't watched it properly for years, although I've caught the odd show here and there on Sky and it's enjoyable, yet naff T.V.
I don't see how this could possibly work as a feature film, but there seem to be enough fans out there to at least give this a green-light. Now I'm waiting for the WWE movie! No, I'm kidding, that would probably suck too... I'll believe this when I finally see it, although I really, really don't want to see it!
And may I take this opportunity to post a pic of the ex UFC female champion and current American Gladiator 'Crush'; Gina Carano who is most welcome to 'crush' my bones in the sack anytime, she's hot and so are a few of the other ultra tougher-than-steel AM chicks. But then again a couple scare the living s**t out of me too...