Hi all, Just some interesting things today. First off I have came across news that a Johnny Quest film is being made (which you may already know), but did you know that Zach Efron has signed for the film? I don't really care as I hate him and his crappy films, so hopefully he wont ruin this one. I have also heard that the writer Dan Mazeau is going to stay true to the original out line of the cartoon but bring it up to date, so this may be a good movie to watch.
(Ah but did you know they're thinking of changing the film's name? All because Speed Racer flopped! They believe not associating the cartoon name to the movie will allow it to make more money!) KW

I'm also looking forward to the Steven Spielberg/ Peter Jackson release of 'Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn' and especially now that the Thompson Twins are to be played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead ). I'm not to sure about Jamie Bell playing Tintin? I properly would of used Rupert Grint, but you never know, it may work.

(It is motion capture based though so it'll only be Bell's voice and movements on a CG Tintin) KW
Also just just so you know, America is going to release a new trailer across 20 States on the 29th of April for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. This will no doubt be on the Internet so I will be looking out for this!