As it has officially passed 12:30am on Saturday the 25th of April 2009 I'm pleased to announce that Kryptonianwarrior.blogspot.com is one year old today!
To be honest it feels like a lot longer, but hey it's great to have been blogging about everything I love for this long and to have had almost 13,500 visits in 12 months to a humble, rambling geek's blog puts a smile on my face (that works out to an average of 1125 visits per month, 281 per week and 40 a day!). ;)
Thank you to all those who come here regularly, and even to those who stop by for a Brooke Hogan bikini pic or two (sorry I'll stop going on about that soon I promise). Thanks also to my friends and work colleagues who visit here and humour me when I get excited about the whole KW blog thing!
Thanks should also go to Dark Knight, Crimson Blur, Emerald Knight and Jedi Master Nads for your new and continuous input and my only two current public followers Wayne (Mulligan Mullet) and Shana (Diva Rave) for your interest and loyalty. You all rock in your own ways and I thank you all for anything positive you've said or done for me and this blog.
I might be a bit busy over the weekend as the Missus turns 30 in 2 days and is having a long weekend of fun and frolics (she's out partying with the girls tonight so I expect her to burst through the door and puke on the carpet any second!).
Hopefully in that time, or by Monday at least you should have some more posts.
For now it's UP, UP AND AWAY!