Friday, April 3, 2009

The Dark Knight Introduces Himself With Some News On The Sarah Connor Chronicles

A Dark Knight Post

A little intro from Dark Knight. What can i say about me? Well I guess I'm just as much of a geek as Kryptonian, although I try and keep a lid on it most of the time. I have my own opinions about film, comics, and all things geek which I'll share with you. I'll also share a few war stories along the way, as much like the real Dark Knight I also track down the mad and bad and haunt the night. I'll post what I can, so enjoy the ride, and watch for the BAT SIGNAL!!

I've had a totally mental few days.....I've spent 70 hrs over the last 5 days guarding AIR FORCE ONE!!!! Yes, I've stood mere feet away from the presidents airplane, as well as AF ONE's little brother AIR FORCE TWO!!! Very surreal, but kinda cool. Not many people can say that they've worked alongside US HOMELAND SECURITY officers and lived to tell the tale!!

Back to all things GEEK!

I'm officially supporting the "SAVE SARAH CONNOR CAMPAIGN!" as I love THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES. Not only is it a good series in it's own right, but it leads on nicely from T2 and gives a better insight into the TERMINATOR UNIVERSE!!

That, and I love Summer GLAU and Lena HEADY......I want to do naughty naughty things to them!!!!! Check out some of my fave pics below!!!

If you've yet to check out the series DO IT NOW!!! Then sign the petition to save this great great show before the FOX NETWORK make a massive cock up!!

More to come when the bat signal illuminates again!

Dark Knight old buddy, I completely agree with you... naughty, naughty things indeed!