Being the fan of Karate Kid that I am I was a little bemused to hear a while back that Karate Kid was getting the revamp treatment and the new version would star Jayden Smith (Will Smith's son) and Jackie Chan in the two main roles of Daniel (although that name might change) and Mr. Miyagi.
Changing a short, podgy, ageing, Japanese man for a middle aged, ultra fit, Chinese man was one thing, but now Jackie has recently let slip during an interview that the film's title will now be 'Kung Fu Kid' due to the fact that the film has a Chinese co-production team and is being filmed primarily in Beijing plus with the drop in interest in Karate and the rise in interest in Kung Fu over the past two decades, everyone thought it would be the obvious step.
I do love Jackie Chan and I love every single one of his films, silly or not, but I don't see this re-vamp being a hit whatsoever. You can never replace Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi (wax on wax off etc) and you'll never film an ending half as good or tense as the 'Crane Kick' finale in the original movie...