Every time I have the good intention to sit down at my computer and update my blog some outside force sees fit to do something to prevent me from doing it! A couple of weeks back it was illness (which I'd like to add prevented me from going to see Watchmen at the cinema, which I am none to happy about) and then two days ago my pc started to freeze while booting. Now those that know me know that I have self taught myself the ability to build a pc from scratch, how to fix software and hardware errors and how to do some advanced I.T stuff which I'm pretty proud to have learnt, but this one had me stumped. Looking on the Internet is of almost no help these days as so many people have so many answers that don't seem to relate to your particular problems and it usually means going into the base code, formatting your hard drive or something equally repugnant. But after two days I managed to sort the problem, not 100% sure how, but plugging the hard drive into my daughter's pc and backing everything up, doing a virus scan and defragging it seemed to sort the whole thing out once I plugged it back into my rig. I swear I was 1 minute away from giving up and buying a new drive and about 1 minute and 1 second away from throwing the whole thing through the window.
I surprised myself with how reliant I am on my pc being on and available for me at all times without fail. I actually got withdrawal symptoms from not being able to check my regular sites or play my games... how very sad...
Aaaaaaaaanyway, hopefully I'll get back from the cinema early enough tonight (going to see Nicholas Cage's new movie "Knowing") to be able to stick a few update posts on before going back to work tomorrow. Please God let there be a cinema near by still showing Watchmen this week!
Ta ta for now!