OK, so while chatting to my colleague Dan at work today he happened to mention that he reads the reviews and watches the videos over on the website www.comicvine.com
The site basically gives you hundreds of reviews for current comics, movie news and various other fun links that comic geeks can wallow in when they're bored. But one thing had caught Dan's attention, or should I say one person: 'Babs' (aka BatgirlBabs).
Babs is an American girl who does video reviews for various comic titles and the like in the videos section of comicvine. But the point is that she's a real-life super-geek and she's cute. "So what?" many of you might ask. Well you see it's not often that the male geek community comes across cute or hot women who are actually genuinely into things like comics and are normal, intelligent and fun. Don't get me wrong, I've had that fact dispelled a few times during the odd UK event over the years and most definitely at SDCC the last 2 visits but this is a girl I could watch reviewing blank pieces of paper if necessary!
Check out COMICVINE and definately look up Babs' posts if you get the time. Here's a LINK to just one of her reviews. Dan, what have you started!