Is this image worrying?
G.I. Joe looks like a kick-ass movie with some really cool action sequences and lashings of high quality, believable CGI. However when I look at this new picture I can only see one of those ultra-corny movie endings where the entire team comes together and walks towards the screen all smiles and laughter knowing they've defeated the bad guys (like it was ever in question in a movie like this) with said bad guys burning in some crumpled heap in the background.
I see this picture and it makes me worry that that's exactly what it is... I can just see Marlon Wayans jumping in the air, clicking his heels together and shouting "Go Joe!" and the screen freezes as the credits start to role...
Let's hope I'm mistaken. At any rate this movie looks pretty damn awesome and I have seen more than most being privy to various mini trailers and unfinished footage through my work that the general public can't access.
Sienna Miller and Rachel Nichols in ultra tight leather and PVC, toting guns, are enough to get me to go see this movie, the rest of the action is an added bonus!