I know that Marvel are obviously a supreme cash-cow at the moment and their movies are raking in the cash left, right and center (with future movies like 'The Avengers' set to be the biggest comic book movies of all time) but do they really have to flog a dead horse (excuse the pun) by making a sequel to the God-awful Ghost Rider?
There have been some comic book movie stinkers in the past 10 years and GR was one of them. Cage was wooden (I usually love his movies) and the story sucked balls. I actually thought the CGI on the Rider himself wasn't too bad but that didn't save the movie from being a dud.
Anyways Columbia Pictures is getting ready for GHOST RIDER 2, the sequel to the original movie that saw Nicolas Cage as the stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hell blazing vigilante.
Columbia is now looking for writers to pen the sequel and Nicolas Cage is in fact attached and signed on to return. Whoopdi-doo...
Please get it right this time guys!