Aint it cool news had an e-mail from Hugh Jackman the other day which included this stunning new picture of some of the cast. Jackman tried to put aside the fears of late re-shoots currently going on, saying they were always planned (although we've heard that they are simply adding in more scenes with Ryan Reynold's Deadpool character which can only be a good thing) and letting all the fans know that this movie will kick major ass and not disappoint. Just looking at this hi-res pic makes me want to see it all the more. How badass does Jackman look?!!!
From left to right are Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Taylor Kitsch as Gambit, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth, and Lynn Collins as Silver Fox. Missing are Beak, Agent Zero, and The Blob but it's a great picture without them anyway.