One casting rumour I was worried about recently was that Jackie Chan is rumoured to be playing Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid remake alongside Jaden Smith.
Now don't get me wrong, Jackie Chan is great and I love his films, but he's not the Miyagi we all know and love by a long shot. It's like putting Sylvester Stallone in a Yoda suit for the next Star Wars movie simply because he's got big ears and talks funny... I can just see the casting team sitting round a table a saying "now who can we get that's Chinese and can do martial arts?... Jakie Chan!!!".
I grew up with the Karate Kid movies being a big influence on my life and being somewhat like my own (strict Japanese stepfather teaching me Martial Arts, catching a fly in chopsticks, yes I actually did do that, getting bullied and fighting back etc etc) and it pains me when a remake sounds as potentially disastrous as this could be. Pat Morita would not approve I'm sure!
Will they keep the crane kick final finishing move in? We'll see...