As you're probably all aware by now there isn't an actual Dr. Who season this year, only a small number of specials spread out over the next 12 months, and luckily we still have David Tennant up until the last one. However it has come to light today that my all time favourite companion Martha Jones (the stunning Freema Agyman) will return for at least one of them. In what capacity its not been revealed but I'm hoping for a full episode at the very least.
I'm a huge Dr. Who fan (starting with Christopher Eccleston's reign and through to Tennant) and when Freema left to be replaced by Catherine Tate I was extremely miffed to say the least. Yes Catherine did eventually turn out to be Tennants best companion so far, even outdoing Billy Piper's run (don't argue or I'll slap ya upside the head) but Freema definitely rates as my favourite.
More news as it gets released.