Right then, that's me done for the evening I think. I've put my contact e-mail address for this blog up on the top right of the page so that if any of you should want to e-mail me regarding anything on here to point out a mistake, to give me some news I haven't posted and you think is worth going up or to ask a question or give a suggestion etc, you can do so. It'd be good to hear from any of my readers from around the World.
Also I give you an open invitation to make this blog even better by asking you to feel free to send me reviews of any tv, games, products or movies you think would be worth going up that I haven't posted already. I'll read over every e-mail that comes in and if I think it's worth adding I will along with your chosen handle/ name.
I'll try and post again during the week but for now it's au revoir, auf wiedersehen, adios, ciao, farvel, and goobye...
Oh and if you're feeling generous and actually enjoy this blog please vote on the little 'do you like this blog' bit under my e-mail address. I'd like to see if I'm actually doing something people like! Thanks!