Holy crap! In an unexpected bit of casting news, Robert Carlyle has signed up to take the lead in upcoming sci-fi spin-off series "Stargate Universe". Following in the footsteps of Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis and short-lived animated series Stargate Infinity, Stargate Universe will see Carlyle as Dr David Rush, one of a number of survivors who pile through the nearest Stargate when their secret base is attacked. Finding themselves on an ancient starship left adrift in space, they must unlock the ship’s mysteries to find a way home.
Carlyle is probably the last person on Earth I would have seen attached to a Stargate series and although I'm a huuuuuuuge Stargate fan (I'm getting the complete 10 seasons with two dvd movies for X-mas from the missus) I'm starting to get those bad vibes I get about Universe...