Episode 10 of the current run of Smallville's season 8 will not only bring Chloe and Jimmy together in holy matrimony (finally) but will also be unique and possibly the most awaited episode in its entire run. Unique because it will be almost entirely viewed through a handheld video camera (a la Cloverfield) and the most awaited episode as Doomsday has finally arrived. And no I don't mean Davis Bloome (Sam Witwer), we've seen him and he's beginning to simply bore me, I'm talking about the big, mean, spiky, "Ultimate Destroyer" Doomsday.
After Chloe and Jimmy tie the knot the big lummox crashes the party and causes mass destruction on poor old Clark's barn and the wedding guests, nearly killing Jimmy and kidnapping Chloe (like we didn't see that coming). I gather Clark must be out for the count as he's not on hand to rescue anyone from the clip I've seen. Although there are no pics of Doomsday circulating the net just yet below are 3 grainy images, one of Jimmy and Chloe getting married and two of the scene where Doomsday sweeps Chloe off her feet (literally). You can make out Chloe laying close to a knocked out Jimmy Olsen in one pic and then the other pic is of Doomsday's legs with Chloe's wedding dress just above. Believe me he's there...
We'll see if the big D actually shows himself fully and if we'll all have a laugh at how poor he looks compared to the comic version (that image at the top of this post) but if this doesn't satiate your appetite you'll be pleased to know that episode 11 (titled 'Legion') sees 3 members of the Legion of Superheroes travelling back in time to help Clark eradicate Braniac from Chloe... Will they be dressed in embarrassing, brightly coloured Lycra? Maybe, but it's good to see the producers having a little more fun with the DC Universe characters in the stories again (just like with the mini Justice League of Green Arrow, Flash, Black Canary, Cyborg and Aquaman) even if it is Smallville's last season.

After Chloe and Jimmy tie the knot the big lummox crashes the party and causes mass destruction on poor old Clark's barn and the wedding guests, nearly killing Jimmy and kidnapping Chloe (like we didn't see that coming). I gather Clark must be out for the count as he's not on hand to rescue anyone from the clip I've seen. Although there are no pics of Doomsday circulating the net just yet below are 3 grainy images, one of Jimmy and Chloe getting married and two of the scene where Doomsday sweeps Chloe off her feet (literally). You can make out Chloe laying close to a knocked out Jimmy Olsen in one pic and then the other pic is of Doomsday's legs with Chloe's wedding dress just above. Believe me he's there...
We'll see if the big D actually shows himself fully and if we'll all have a laugh at how poor he looks compared to the comic version (that image at the top of this post) but if this doesn't satiate your appetite you'll be pleased to know that episode 11 (titled 'Legion') sees 3 members of the Legion of Superheroes travelling back in time to help Clark eradicate Braniac from Chloe... Will they be dressed in embarrassing, brightly coloured Lycra? Maybe, but it's good to see the producers having a little more fun with the DC Universe characters in the stories again (just like with the mini Justice League of Green Arrow, Flash, Black Canary, Cyborg and Aquaman) even if it is Smallville's last season.