Being the huge fan of Simon Pegg, and his work, that I am (I've met the guy twice, Shaun of the Dead is probably my favourite film and Space rocks!) I'm pleased to find out that he's releasing two new geekish movies in the not too distant future.
First off is "Paul" (my own first name so that's even cooler) a film set for release in 2010 with Pegg and Nick Frost (gotta love Nick too!) playing Graham and Clive, respectively – two British geeks on a pilgrimage to the San Diego Comic-Con who pick up an alien while travelling across the Midwest in a hired RV.
Second, and probably more importantly, is the third movie in a cycle to have Pegg and Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz) collaborating again with the provisionally titled "World's End". No date has been set for this one but both this and Paul are set to be bigger than Shaun and Fuzz put together so Pegg claims, which really is something to look forward to.