After the phenomenally popular Hasbro
Millennium Falcon last month I came across this equally fantastic Lego Death Star, currently only available via the US Lego website for $400 (about £200 for us
British folk) but should be available from Lego stores from Sept 1st. No less than 14 scenes from the original trilogy are present here including 21 Lego figures (Luke and Han as Stormtroopers are so cool!) and 3,803 pieces to build. Its different decks include the Death Star control room, moving
turbolaser turrets, hangar bay with TIE Advanced
starfighter, tractor beam controls, Emperor’s throne room, detention block, Imperial conference room, droid maintenance facility, and the powerful Death Star
superlaser, plus much more! Swing across the chasm with Luke and Leia, face danger in the crushing trash compactor, and duel with Darth Vader for the fate of the galaxy. Measuring 16 inches tall by 16.5 inches wide this Lego behemoth is going to be one for die-hard fans with lots of space to space (and time) to spare!
Check out these great HQ images below and get you wallet ready... Click for the larger versions.