I could very well be one of the only people around that didn't like this movie. I'd heard good reviews and seen funky trailers but it simply lacked everything I find enjoyable in an action/ comic book adaptation movie. Two of my favourite actors, Morgan Freeman & Angelina Jolie, couldn't even raise this to a level of
watchability for me so it gets a pretty low score.

The Missus and I are enormous "Mummy" fans and I'd been waiting ages for this movie to be released. When I'd seen the trailer in the cinema I actually thought it looked amazing and got really excited. Unfortunately numerous overwhelming snags bring the whole thing down into a poor attempt at continuing the franchise. Brendan Fraser's usually enjoyable "Rick" is swept aside for an inferior Alex (Luke Ford) and Maria
Bello (although very pretty and capable) cannot replace Rachel
Weisz as Evey who really made that part her own in the previous two outings. The Yeti, although a good idea, end up being cheesy along with some wooden performance's from two Chinese greats; Jet Li and Michelle
Yeoh. The whole thing just doesn't seem right and it could just be that the change of director from Stephen
Sommers to Rob Cohen was a grave mistake. (Let's hope
Sommer's G.I. Joe turns out well in 2009!)

Bugger... I was really looking forward to Tropic Thunder and it ended up as one of those movies where the trailer was 10 times better than the end product. For me this was like a failed melding of Platoon, Galaxy Quest and the Three Amigos... On paper I'm sure it looked great and funny as Hell and the cameos from big wigs like Tom Cruise should have made it a cash cow, but no, it didn't end up that way at all. The film was unfunny and in parts plain embarrassing, the actors were annoying (Stiller more than the rest, but then what's new there) and by the end of the movie I wanted to jump through the screen and tear Tom Cruise's head right off his bald, fat-suited, f-word loving, head. Oh well, live and learn.