Coming soon from statue manufacturing Gods 'Gentle Giant' is the Animated Princess Leia Life-Size Statue. This 5 foot wonder is the perfect Star Wars item for the die-hard fan and is expertly crafted to take pride of place in any place in your house you can find for her.
This item is the life-size version of the previous popular release in the animated Star Wars character line from GG featuring Leia and R2-D2 (pictured below).
This item is the life-size version of the previous popular release in the animated Star Wars character line from GG featuring Leia and R2-D2 (pictured below).

You can grab this fantastic collectors piece for £499.99 from www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk, that's 38% off the recommended retail price of £799.99! (Girl on the right of the pic not included... unfortunately...)
"May the Force be with you"! (And a fat wallet too...)