And may I say how very glad I am to see it finally too. From the very first days of screaming round colouful courses on the Super Nintendo I knew it could only get better... Or could it?
Well now, here's the thing. Mario Kart is pure joy as a game, it really is, the new lush graphics, the swanky new way you can control your vehicles with the 'motion sensitive' Wii controller and wheel accessory, the addition of motorbikes and of course let's not forget the wonderful world of Wi-Fi connected multi-player gaming. However I must say that I've never really felt as 'in control' and capable of whipping another person's hide since I played the old SNES original. The N64 and Gamecube versions never really rang my bell, they seemed to be 'all fart and no follow through' if you get my meaning... This Wii outing is certainly a superior release and has all the mod cons and bells and whistles etc but it's just enormously frustrating!
The Wii controller has never been the most accurate device (not always translating your actions and movements to the character on screen) but when using the new wheel accessory you really feel like you've lost something in the controls. It's great to simulate 'wanging' it round the seaside streets or frozen mountains but when you yank the kart left and it carries on straight that's just not on. And another couple of gripes. What's with the kart bumping? Damn, if I get knocked off another cliff edge or rickety bridge by some online numpty playing bumper cars I swear I'll hunt them down and shove a Wii remote so far up their rusty bullet hole they'll be flossing with the hand strap for days... The 'last straight attack' is my final annoyance. You're careering down the home straight, literally seconds before you cross the finish line, after a perfect 3 laps when some goit fires a red or blue homing shell up your tail pipe and pips you to the post, even though they were miles behind. I don't remember it being so difficult to hold the lead in the MK universe before. Maybe that's the whole point, a more edge of your seat ride, but I don't have to like it!
All in all this game is great, my daughter loves it and I really do appreciate the free online multi-player ability this game comes with. Plus the added touch of bringing your beloved Mii into the mix, not only to use as your driver later on but also as statue and billboard faces throughout the game, is a nice touch and makes you feel somewhat more committed to making sure you win.