Thursday, September 29, 2011

Support the Anti-Bullying Initiative

EWLYD likes to give back to people and today I'd like to share a PSA I found to help combat the practice of Bullying in your local community ...

Although the NYC "community" can often create Bullies of a different sort ... Bullying is Bullying nonetheless, so watch, learn, and act.

You're welcome.

Monday, September 26, 2011

TV Quote of the Week - 9/26/11

Time for another TV Quote of the Week!
Let's do this thang!!

This week, the quote is brought to you from, hands down, the BEST show (that only some of you are watching) on MTV, Awkward. The writing is poetry and if you have not yet partaken, you are COMPLETELY missing out ...

All the characters in this hilarious 30 min teen soap comedy engage in dialogue that is absolute GOLD, but none moreso than Sadie, the WORST of the Mean Girls, and one of the greatest television villains to grace non-pay cable. As the proverbial "devil on the shoulder" of her best friend, the ultra-religious Lissa, Sadie dispenses advice on how to deal with Lissa's boyfriend Jake who'd finally admitted to kissing Jenna (the star of the show). Manipulative as always, Sadie succeeds in rattling Lissa's religious conviction, offering up THIS slice of wisdom over the subject of God:

Sadie: "You should stop listening to him and listen to me. Remember, God sold out his only son to die on a stick."

You really have to catch this show. You will NOT be disappointed!!

Awkward. Tuesdays @ 11pm on MTV.

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Ricci's accommodations are First Class!

I was gonna lead off with something to the effect of "Pan Am takes Flight on ABC", but ... I'm sure there will be enough people writing shit like that today. So if you need me to spell it out DIRECTLY - last night ABC premiered MY most anticipated new show of the Fall, Pan Am, starring one Christina Ricci.

And for those that are brand new to this or haven't been paying any attention to me ... EVER, then you should know that I absolutely love and adore all things Christina Ricci. Therefore, I'm immediately biased in favor of this new show, but I will ATTEMPT to be fair and impartial. And, in my impartiality ... I must say ... "I like it".

I don't yet "love it", as it's not particularly my kind of TV program. Surrounding the lives of the flight crew of Pan Am Airlines, Pan Am is full on drama, with a splash of romance and adventure, and a period piece at the same time. That period being Cold War era 1960s, they have a lot to play with, much of it being very camp, which I do appreciate. Ricci is a delight in every way although she feels a bit "outside the time period" that everyone else lives in. That might be intentional as the stewardesses play as "unconventionals" compared to traditional women of the time, and Ricci's character Maggie is unconventional, even by THEIR standard.

Maggie didn't have all that much to do in the premiere which IS a gripe for me, but I really liked the story between rival stewardess Kate, played by Kelli Garner, and her sister Laura, played by Margot Robbie.  Kate's one-sided jealousy and insecurity towards her younger sister was played note perfect, and I especially love the story of Kate, unbeknownst to the rest of the crew, providing counter-intelligence services for the U.S. government amidst her flight attending duties.

Sadly, but none too surprisingly, the men of Pan Am are dreadfully uninteresting, so whenever it delved into THEIR lives, the show dragged a bit. Thankfully though, Pan Am didn't forget that the stewardesses were centerpiece, and focus quickly shifted back to them before viewers (me) lost interest.

Overall, I'm happy with it, and it's a very welcome new addition to my Sunday night viewing.

Catch Pan Am, Sunday nights @10pm on ABC.

Don't forget to click Follow or Join this Site! ... or get more insight and shenanigans on Twitter @DarkOcean

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cool Pics From The Web...

Another dose of cool pics from the web for you here today!


Batman: Arkham City - Joker Trailer

Another great trailer for one of the most highly anticipated video game sequels of all time - Batman: Arkham City.

Looks awesome!

Dark Shadows - First Famil Pic Revealed

I know nothing baout Dark Shadows, other than the fact that Tim Burton is directing and the obvious news that Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are in it!

Here below is the first pic of the family from the film with the character descriptions below that. So if you know what this is all about - enjoy!

Here’s that family, from left to right:

Dr. Julia Hoffman (Helena Bonham Carter) – This prim and proper psychiatrist, who has taken up residence with the Collins family to care for their troubled youngest boy, might seem to break that trend — but don’t bet on it.

Carolyn Stoddard (Chloë Moretz) — Moretz is on the human side of the spectrum in Dark Shadows — though that doesn’t mean this cousin of young David Collins (and daughter of Michelle Pfeiffer’s character, seen on the far right) isn’t without her own peculiarities.

Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green) — The Bond girl from Casino Royale turns up here as the villain of the story.

David Collins (Gulliver McGrath) — Lonely, confused, and neglected by his pompous father (Jonny Lee Miller, over on the right next to Pfeiffer), David has no one to confide in except his bizarre psychiatrist — and the dead people he claims to see.

Victoria Winters (Bella Heathcote) — This young woman arrives to become David’s new governess, only to find herself swept up in the vampire-witch melodrama.

Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) — He was an 18th century gentleman, a businessman just before the Revolutionary War, who was transformed against his will into a vampire and buried in a tomb for two centuries. After he finally emerges, uncovered by construction workers in the year 1972, he seeks out his descendants — as well as some long-ago foes and a possible lost love.

Mrs. Johnson (Ray Shirley) — She is the mostly blind, mostly deaf maid, who has been with them for decades and decades. You might find her polishing a piece of silverware with a slab of baloney because she thinks it’s a polishing cloth.

Willie Loomis (Jackie Earle Haley) — He’s the guy who takes out the trash, mows the lawns, and fixes the cars, except he’s usually so drunk and so disinterested that he doesn’t take his job seriously anymore.

Roger Collins (Jonny Lee Miller) — This scion of the once-great Collins family is one of the main reasons the aristocratic clan has fallen into such disgrace.

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Michelle Pfeiffer) — The mother of Carolyn Stoddard, and mother-figure to David, she’s the one adult member of the Collins clan who is at least slightly competent.

Milla Jovovich Drops Some 'Resident Evil: Retribution' Spoilers...

Milla Jovovich has been giving away some major spoilers to her new Resident Evil: Retribution movie recently via interviews and Tweets.

Here's what we know so far:

- Leon Kennedy and Barry Burton will make their first appearances in the series along with Ada Wong, who was in the Resident Evil 2, 4, and The Darkside Chronicles video games. Shawn Roberts will also return to play the villainous Albert Wesker.

- Chris Redfield (Wentworth Miller), Claire Redfield (Ali Larter), and K-Mart (Spencer Locke) won’t return because they’ve been abducted by the Umbrella Corporation. Sienna Guillory will be back again as Jill Valentine however and you can expect some fireworks between her and Alice (Jovovich).

- Remember mind-controlling parasite “Las Plagas” in Resident Evil 4? It's bacccckkkk. She tweeted: "alright guys! gotta go! 1 let mini spoiler tho! we will hve the Las Plagas parasite!!! have an awesome day!"

- Jovovich says she is hopeful that a sixth Resident Evil keeps all the major characters together, alluding of course that all of the new characters will survive Retribution.

From Tweets:

- "The red square sequence is THE MOST COMPLICATED CHASE SCENE PAUL (her husband / director) HAS EVER PLANNED FOR! ITS GONNA BE EPIC!"

- "Its gonna be SIIIIICK!! paul leaves the production meeting reeling from the logistical complications off how 2 shoot them!!"

- "We’ll b the 1st movie 2 hve a chase scene in a rolls royce which we will get shot up, but still runs cause they’re awesome!"

Director Justin Lin Drops 'Terminator' To Helm Sixth 'Fast And Furious' Film

Bad news for Terminator fans and good news for Fast and Furious fans (like me), but director Justin Lin has dropped his upcoming Terminator movie in favour of doing a sixth (and possibly final) Fast and Furious movie.

He supposedly still wants to direct the new Terminator movie but has chosen F&F to be his next project instead...

Warehouse 13 Season Two Gag Reel...

Warehouse 13 happens to one of my favourite programmes on TV, and even without this gag reel vid I'm always laughing...

So enjoy!

Dinosaurs Not Killed By Asteroid And Faster Than Light Particles?

It was discovered last week that not only did an asteroid not wipe out the Dinosaurs as previously thought, but also that particles can indeed travel faster than light which was though to be impossible based on the (Einstein-based) physics in our universe.


According to NASA, its 'NEOWISE' (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission discovered the Baptisina asteroids (of which one was blamed for the extinction level event that killed the Dinosaurs) weren't formed 160 million years ago, as previously thought:

The NEOWISE team measured the reflectivity and the size of about 120,000 asteroids in the main belt, including 1,056 members of the Baptistina family. The scientists calculated the original parent Baptistina asteroid actually broke up closer to 80 million years ago, half as long as originally proposed.
The period between Baptisina's breakup and the extinction event is 15 million years. Although we consider that a long time, it's not long enough to be dinosaur-killing years. NASA scientists say that it takes tens of millions of years for asteroid remnants to "move into a resonance spot ... where gravity nudges from Jupiter and Saturn can act like a pinball machine to fling asteroids out of the main belt and into the region near Earth."

In other words, there wasn't enough time for the Baptisina asteroids to unseat dinosaurs as the champions of planet Earth and give our rat-sized forebears the chance to grow and develop brains, thumbs, upright spines and beer guts.

They do not however have an answer to what actually happened to our reptilian predecessors...

Faster than light:

Even though most respected scientists (and even the actual scientists who did the experiment themselves) are expecting these findings to be imminently debunked or a mistake to have been made in the calculations regarding the event, it would seem that a group of Italian scientists discovered last week that a neutrino they fired off in their lab travelled a distance of 730km sixty billionths of a second quicker than the speed of light which should have taken 2.4 milliseconds...

Does this mean that we'll be driving flying Deloreans very soon? No, it simply means that if the findings are correct then it's a huge scientific revelation in that Einstein was wrong about his special theory of relativity, physics have to be slightly re-written and that the findings could lead to advancements in power production among other things. Hmmmmm...

Super-Hero Fetus Sculptures Are Damned Weird...

Presented here in all their horrific glory are sculptures by artist Alexandre Nicolas of various fetal superheroes...

Wrong in so many ways!