Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron Game For PSP and DS
Having owned Battlefront II on both the PS2 and PSP I was happy to hear that a new game in the series is set to hit shelves later this year in the form of 'Elite Squadron'. This new release presents a new and much welcomed addition to the game play where you can not only fight on the ground and in space as before but you can now actually enter a vehicle whilst on the surface of a planet on foot and fly it manually up into space for a battle and then dock with a Capital Starship! Sounds like fun!
Read all about the game on HERE

The Video Of Carrie Fisher's Funny Speech At the AFI Tribute To George Lucas

4 New Products From
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She-Ra 2010 Calendar
RRP £9.99 FPI Price £7.99
Save: 20% off
Sideshow - She Hulk Comiquette Statue
RRP £179.99 FPI Price £129.99
Save: 28% off
Star Wars - Storm Trooper Dashboard Buddy
RRP £9.99 FPI Price £8.99
Save: 10% off

The Video Of Carrie Fisher's Funny Speech At the AFI Tribute To George Lucas
I saw the whole AFI tribute to George Lucas on Sky a long while ago but Jedi Master Nads reminded me of this little snippet featuring everyone's favourite Princess... No not Cinderella... No not Sleeping Beauty... No not fricking Ariel! Princess 'I snogged my brother' Leia aka Carrie Fisher! It gives you a little insight into Carrie herself, and just how funny she really is (or should that be 'tragic' she is?), and puts a smile on your face throughout.
Collecting Jabba The Hutt Merchandise
Another link from the treasure trove that is features numerous items that have been on sale over the years featuring the green 'Leia licker' himself 'Jabba The Hutt'. I'm proud to say I actually own a few of these, but I'm equally proud to say I don't own number 10 on the list... You'll see what that is when you get there! Emerald Knight actually pointed out to me today (when we saw this in the new Diamond Previews catalogue) that there are probably a few screwed up people out there who use this in their sci-fi themed sex games... I shudder at the thought...
Visit the page HERE

Star Wars Video E-cards For Father's Day

Star Wars Video E-cards For Father's Day
As the UK will celebrate Father's Day next month it seems only fitting that Hallmark have some Star Wars themed e-cards on their site for you to send to your sci-fi loving Dad! Click this link HERE for not only Star Wars themed Father's Day e-cards but also Indy, Twilight and Princess Bride holiday/ special occasion e-cards too!

4 New Products From
You got here before me mate! I was going to post these up but there are so many cool things for me to put up I was waiting til the weekend. Oh well, here are 4 of Jedi Master Nads' chosen items from FPI. Click the product name below each pic to go straight to the relevant FPI web page.
RRP £19.99 FPI PRice £14.99Save: 25% off

RRP £9.99 FPI Price £7.99
Save: 20% off

RRP £179.99 FPI Price £129.99
Save: 28% off

RRP £9.99 FPI Price £8.99
Save: 10% off